Text To Donate
MicahTek’s text giving platform offers the most intuitive donor experience. Take giving on the go with our text to donate platform. It’s an easy, affordable and effective way to increase revenue.
Remember, individuals are more apt to use their smart phones to access information and process transactions than any other method. The way you choose to communicate to your demographic will determine whether they engage with your organization or not.
A strong responsive digital presence will attract customers naturally. Digital communication is rapidly changing the way organizations connect with the world.
Did you know….81 percent of American adults use smart phones to send or receive text messages? And it’s not just for chatting with friends. One in ten has already made a charitable contribution via text message. Furthermore, a large percentage of people prefer texting as their preferred method of giving.
Your organization should be taking advantage of the shifting environment toward mobile technology and texting. Using this technology provides your audience another form of giving to your organization.
Think about the efficiency in letting your donors simply send a simple text message with a specific amount…and that’s all!
MicahTek’s text giving platform offers the most intuitive donor experience. Take giving on the go with our text to donate platform. It’s an easy, affordable and effective way to increase revenue.
Handle everything from registration, recurring payments and editing your settings right from a text. If you can text a friend you can text to give. Transactions are interfaced hourly to MicahTek’s Data Management software NetView.
You can collect money in a normal church service, online service, mailer or broadcast with thousands of people in matter of seconds. The system checks immediately whether your donor is covered, or not, and sends back a text message receipt for the donated amount.
Allow MicahTek to provide the solution that makes giving, communicating, and connecting effective and convenient.
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